Sewing & Crafting

Sewing is a skill I learned from my Mum and Grandma, who also taught me to knit, I still have the bootees she helped me to knit for my brother who is 12 years younger than me; a treasured memory along with those of wondering what Mum would have made us to wear for Christmas Day plus designing and making clothes for myself and younger sisters when in my teens. My engagement present was a sewing machine which is still going strong (although I have another too) and on which I made the bridesmaid dresses for my wedding, soft furnishings for our first and subsequent homes and clothes for my children.


Rachel and Sam’s Wedding bunting

Bespoke bunting has been a signature item of mine in recent years; I love playing with design ideas and making things specific to a person/couple as well as just having fun with fabric.

Enjoying creativity with fabric and accessories allows me to customise and change clothes and soft furnishings to suit moods and occasions as desired.  Work with me to get the look you want for yourself and/or your home including curtains and blinds, or to design special gifts. 

Range of Stocking sizes to choose from

Get in touch to arrange a workshop time to make things together with and/or for friends/family or to request items to be made.  For more seasonal ideas look at the Advent page and head to the Dates for your diary page to see where Antoinette’s will be in December for you to purchase/order items.